Entrepreneur For Hire
Just JaNiece
My given first name is Clara but I have never gone by that name. I was born and raised in Houma, Louisiana and am an official "Swamp People". I had a young girl in our youth group at church once tell me that I am a "Female Forrest Gump". I thought she was being rude at first but she wasn't being disrespectful. She explained, "You always have some adventure at every turn that just presents itself and without even hardly trying, you succeed. It's just a natural thing for you." I thought that was one of the best compliments I had ever received, in a weird sort of way.
I enjoy sports, almost ANY sport, and have competed in most of them. I enjoy work challenges just as much. I do not like to fail, nor do I like to be beat but I am realistic and do not attempt things that I know are totally impossible. Although, the word itself says it can be done "IM POSSIBLE".
Hard work, long hours, and persistance do not scare me. I have been taught from early on that if it is worth starting, its got to be finished.